Sunday, 7 August 2011

English words that came from Arabic language.

Word in English = its origin in Arabic (عربي)

Algebra = Al-Jabr(الجبر)
-Al-Jabr is basically the famous science. (Who discoverd this science is an Arabic-Muslims man called Al-Khawarizmi )

Algorithm = Al-Khawarismia (الخوارزمية)
-Al-Khawarismia is an Arabic word that took from the same scientist name Al-Khawarismi. Which is a mathematics and computer science.



5 REM Euclid's algorithm for greatest common divisor
   6 PRINT "Type two integers greater than 0"
   10 INPUT A,B
   20 IF B=0 THEN GOTO 80
   30 IF A > B THEN GOTO 60
   40 LET B=B-A
   50 GOTO 20
   60 LET A=A-B
   70 GOTO 20
   80 PRINT A
   90 END


Chemistry = Al-Chemy / Al-Kimia'a / Al-Khimia'a (الكيمياء \ الخيمياء)
- It is also that science which talks about materials and matter "Jaber Ibn Hayian" is an Arabic-Muslim scientist who discover a lot if things in this science, and he learned on the hands of Ja'far Al-Sadiq.

15th-century European portrait of "Geber", 
Codici Ashburnhamiani 1166,
Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Florence

Alcohol = Al-Kohol (الكحول)
-Means the same thing in English (In chemistry is any organic compound). (Arabs discovered that)

Banana = Banan (بنان)
-Banan : finger. ((Banana called in Arabic "finger of banana" Or "بنان الموز"))

Lemon = Limoon (ليمون)
-Limoon is quite the same meaning and pronounce in English

Coffee = Qahwa (قهوة)
-Qahwa is the root of the English word "coffee", yet it is a little bit different in pronunciation but same.

Boka = Baka (باقة or باقة ورد)
-Means the same thing.

Guitar = Qithara (قيثارة)
- Means the same thing.

Sofa = Sofah (صوفا)
-Means the same thing.

Cotton = Qotton (قطن)
-Means the same thing in English.

Safari = Safar (سفر)
-Safar means traveling in Arabic.

Camera = Qomra (قمرة or القمرة المظلمة) 
-Qomra means a dark room, which is the first time that people discover that they can make photos from a little hole in a dark room. (Arabs who discovered that, the scientist's name is "Ibn Al-Haytham" *Arabic-Muslims scientist)

Ibn Al-Haytham

Sources :
Wikipedia :

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